Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowed In

Our school district made the call to cancel school today around 6:30ish yesterday.  I was relieved!  Truth is, I really really needed today to get some school work done.  Plus, mycousinamanda was in labor, and I had to stay up late to wait for the joyous news that Maia Liliana is here! 

Check out those lips and cheeks! Love her!
Joe is working weird hours setting up crap for the Superbowl broadcast (and freezing his arse off!) and so he got up and made me pancakes this morning. Yay!  Joe makes the best banana wholewheat pancakes.

On my list of things to do today:

- Watch Remember the Titans for my Leadership class and post on the course page.  This class is killing me with all the online discussion posts I have to make.  It's way too involved for my interest level.  I think I'm going to take it Pass/Fail so I can focus more on my Fiction Writing class.

- Read and respond to a short story for my writing class.  We're supposed to have author Jim Lee as our guest instructor tomorrow night.  I'm looking forward to it.

- Grade some poetry projects.  Geez...I haven't even looked at them.

And what did I do?  Watched Remember the Titans, posted on the course page....and.....
 made oatmeal chocolate chip pecan cookies!  It seemed like the responsible thing to do on a cold, winter day.
Busted out the Silpat I bought but never used for the X-mas Bake-o-Rama.

The jury is in: The Silpat rocks!

Since we probably shouldn't eat 3 doz cookies, I just froze the rest.
At least Joe will be happy when he gets home to freshly baked cookies.  :)  Well, it looks like I will have an extra day to get all my work done.  The schools in Midlothian are closed again tomorrow. Yippee!  Grumbly post to come later in the spring when I am working on a holiday.

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