Monday, October 26, 2009

Mi Pelo es En Fuego!

During research time, my students have probably heard me threaten to set my hair on fire a time or two. Yes, even setting my hair ablaze would be less painful than teaching the research paper process and forcing my sweet angels to think and write (gasp!).

Well, I decided to go ahead and do it...metaphorically speaking of course. My mousey roots were starting to show from my failed attempt to go "Jennifer Anniston blonde." I read some where a while back that grown out roots made a bold statement like "I'm a busy woman, I don't have time to be bothered with scheduling my life around touching up my roots."

Yeah, I wasn't buying that one either. Common sense would lead one to go with a lower maintenance oh..I don't closer to the natural color? No...I got a wild hair (tee hee) and went the only color harder to maintain than blonde highlights... RED!

Since I couldn't wait another week and couldn't afford to fork over the usual $140 I spend to get my hair cut and colored, I trusted one of my former students who recently landed a job at a salon in Waxahachie to turn me into a redhead. I think she did a great job. Me gusta mucho!

The inspiration.
The result!

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