Friday, December 12, 2008

Crazy Calls

OK…who is trying to have me committed to the nut house? Last night my cell phone rang about 7:00pm and I couldn’t dig through my purse fast enough to answer. I figured that it was Joe killing some time before his final exam and I would call him right back. You see, given my pathetic social life, the only people who ever call me are Joe and my mother. To my surprise, it was not Joe, nor a number I even recognized. It was a 972 number so I wondered who it could possibly be. I waited to see if they left a voicemail, but they did not.

I proceeded to Google the number to make sure I was not calling a telemarketer back, and to my astonishment, it was Green Oaks Behavioral Hospital. Of course, I panicked. I’d driven Joe to insanity and he’d checked himself in…I should have helped more around the house…poor thing…he’d cracked under the pressure of working and going to school full time and before his last final, he’d lost his mind. I’m the worst wife ever!

I called the number straight away and got the receptionist who was completely unhelpful. She informed me she had no way of knowing who called. My mind raced with the possibilities...had a concerned co-worker deemed me anti-social for not eating lunch with her and called the mental hospital…had someone taken the initiative on my constant threat to get on anti-anxiety medication since I continue to procrastinate…nah. I’m not THAT crazy.

I went through a laundry list of straight jacket-worthy friends and family. I texted Joe and dialed my parents. No one could offer any possibilities. I checked my phone’s history once more to make sure I’d not looked up and somehow dialed the wrong number. I noticed then that I’d missed a call on 10/30 from the same number. It wasn’t purely chance. Someone at the mental hospital is trying to reach me.

It is, as one could imagine, unnerving to receive mysterious calls from Dallas’s well known loony bin.

What if some crazy person is half assed stalking me?

What if someone I know is locked up and trying to contact me in vain?

I’m kinda freakin out…maybe I should go ahead and see about getting on the anti-anxiety meds!

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