Monday, February 8, 2010

O Canada

I love the Olympics. Aside from Joe working crazy hours to make sure NBC doesn't go off air and lose ad revenue, I look forward to them every other year. When else could I possibly watch hours and hours of figure skating and not have to contend with Joe's whining to change the channel? Recently I was watching a documentary on PBS (remember, I don't have satellite anymore), and saw a clip on how the Vancouver medals were designed with native Indian heritage in mind. It's kinda nerdy, but I love how each host country gets to put their touch on the medals.

Last night I had a dream that the Winter Olympiad athletes got a cheesy trophy instead of a medal....and to top it all off, it was a baseball trophy. I remember thinking "Epic fail, Canada, epic fail." They said that the medals were not ready yet and that the trophies were just temporary.
I think this dream was all brought about by the snow shortage I keep hearing about on the news. The Vancouver Olympic Committee is frantically hauling in snow from surrounding areas to compensate for a warmer than expected winter. Thankfully, it looks like they have it under control now. Hopefully the medal situation is taken care of too. :)

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