Friday, April 30, 2010

Crazy Dog Lady

I wanted to play around with the manual setting on my camera and see what kind of shots I could get. It was prior to the age of digital photography last time I did that! Since Phoebe isn't exactly in any shape to be running away from me, she makes a pretty good subject. I know, I never post pictures of my other dog, Harry. I promise I don't treat Harry like a red-headed step-child. He just isn't photogenic (like me). I take that back. He does have his signature "Just Tan Harry, Being Tan Harry" recumbent tan pose circa 2006.

Brian: Stewie, what are you doing?

Stewie: Just getting my bronze on, baby. Hey, what do you think of my recumbent tan pose? Legs probably spread a little wider than they ought to be, but who gives a damn? This is just tan Stewie being tan Stewie. Check me out, Brian.

Anyways, here's a couple of shots of Phoebe sans auto settings and with minimal editing. She's cute even when her negligent human doesn't fix her hair. I lurve her.

I love her eyelashes. So feminine.

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