Monday, April 12, 2010

Poor Pheebs

I think my sweet Pheebs is for shiz up the spout . At first she ate a lot more than usual and started barking to go out to pee every 5 minutes. Then she started barfing yellow stuff and lost her appetite (totally normal I'm told). She's craving strange foods like apples and peanutbutter over chicken and lean ground beef. I guess that's not all that strange, but maybe a little for a dog. And lately, she's been sleeping in random the middle of the floor rather than the sofa. Poor girl. Harry has been upping his appetite to keep up and is taking sympathy naps with her.

Now all of this is really just speculation. Unless she starts showing prior, an xray at the end of this month will be the first definite confirmation of the pregnancy & number of puppies. I am guessing she's just growing one puppy. One puppy for the breeder and I'm done with all this puppy bidness. It's stressful, man!

1 comment:

Kimberly Larsen said...

Yup! Sounds like Phoebe is pregnant alright :)